Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holiday Cheer

Dear "Blog World,"
Well I'm in Illinois and I've got to admit, not much is going on!

But, because my blog is "disappointing" people, then I will blog about it...

Its kind of hard to try to move into my room here, considering I've never lived here before. I think I'm going to sell all my CD's because i have them all on iTunes now. I'm also finding a lot of things from high school, which is kind of fun.

We've had a lot of party's with my moms side of the family: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and a Graduation party for yours truly. Christmas was, in my eyes, a big success. I got a pair of carharts, 2 flannel shirts, a power inverter for my car, lots of candy, and a messenger bag.

In the above picture, I'm partying with my grandpa, wearing my new flannel shirt. Notice the diploma in the upper right! Woo hoo!

I leave for Hawaii tomorrow, so expect my next blog to be in 2007!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


I graduated*** today. The big question is how do you feel?

Immediately after graduation I felt hungry, because I hadn't had breakfast or lunch. I think my point in telling you that is I'm still just as human as I was before I got my college diploma. College has been a changing process that didn't happen all on December 21st from 11 to 2, it happened over some of the best years of my life.
It's kind of like Snowden's secret in the novel Catch 22, I'm still human, but I'm gaining ripeness...

The answer to the question, how do i feel is free. I'm really excited about whatever is next and becoming even more seasoned in life.

oh yeah, here's a picture of me and my mom. My parents came down and we had a blast, dinner in Greenville, lunch in Clemson, dinner at Wendy's. They're cool (and super proud, I'd probably wait at least a month before you mention my name around them or you'll get more than you'd want to hear about Mike Soltys)

***the asterisks were next to my name in the program. they symbolize a level of academic achievement that only 3 asterisks can symbolize. I could also have gotten a white thing to wear around my neck for 50 dollars to show my achievement... but i decided to go snorkeling in the dry Tortuga's instead. achievement is overrated.
I'll be home for christmas!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Dry Tortugas

So I'm back, a little tanner and a little more sandy. The Dry Tortuga's, what is it?
  • A small island 60 miles west of key west Florida

  • Home of the largest brick structure in the western hemisphere

  • A popular landing spot for Cuban immigrants (44 while we were there).

What happens there?

  • Cool people who are sailing the seas for a year from Hawaii eat spaghetti there.

  • Messages in bottles get thrown into the sea
  • People who ride their bikes across America end up there
  • snorkeling

More Pictures? Sure!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Finished With College, Starting A Blog


Everybody else is doing it, I guess I will too.
A blog, by mike soltys.

The back story...

I got a college degree. I like traveling. I want to love people.

The plan...

Dry Tortuga's, Hawaii, then who knows?

stay tuned...