Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Physics and Art of Fluid Flow

So a lot of times people ask me what I do, and I tell them: "I am developing a new flow visualization system to study the mixing of two scalars in a fluid flow." That is usually followed with a blank look, and then: "Cool, why? What's that good for."

Usually in conversation I don't have a good answer, but I can tell you that understanding fluid physics and turbulent flows is REALLY important. Nobel Prize winner Richard Freeman stated "Turbulence is the most important unsolved problem of classical physics." But I don't think that's what drew me to studying fluid flows. I think my reasoning might be more similar to the reason that Leonardo da Vinci studied it... That is, its beautiful.

So, you can imagine my excitement when I came across this course offering at University of Colorado: The Physics and Art of Fluid Flow. I'd encourage you to go and look at some of the galleries, and maybe you too will enjoy the beauty of one of the most complicated and misunderstood physical problems we know of.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Brother Graduated, Back in CO!

So my brother graduated. I'm super pumped for him, and hope his college experience is a good one. I'm back in Colorado and it feels good to be back in the cool, dry, mountain air, but man, i miss all the trees...

I had an interesting conversation about hope for our generation, and our future tonight which made me realize that I probably sound like a pessimist a lot of the time. I will say this, I have little hope in our generation, or the next, to make the world a better place. I have little hope in the good in mankind, because we are sinful and destructive beings. I have little motivation to share in the ambition of environmentalists, because ultimately the earth is going to get destroyed.

I have one hope, and that is Christ. That is where all my Optimism lies. I feel like my lack of hope in mankind isn't pessimism, its just biblically based truth. In all end times prophecy, when Christ comes again, the worlds morals will be in shambles, and the world will be quite literally falling apart: earthquakes, natural disasters, the whole lot. To place your hope in mankind is to place your hope in an idol. That idol is yourself, your kind.

I do want to say that I don't mean I don't think we shouldn't try. We're called to be stewards of the environment, to seek justice for widows and orphans. To be generous with our money and to spread the name of Christ. But that's just it, in the end He should be our Hope and the world's, Not ourselves.

that's all I've got to say about that.

Monday, June 2, 2008

WE did it!

So we biked the blue ridge parkway. I'll have pictures to come, but i don't think they can show how beautiful and fun the ride was. Absolutely a fantastic vacation. When i get some time, i might make a website about it in case anybody else out there ever wants to try it! We all averaged around 275 biking miles and roughly 90 driving miles. We had to skip about 90 miles due to bad weather and detours, but i still think i can officially check that off my bucket list.

Now I'm at home in springfield for a week with the fam. I've been sleeping and eating a lot, which is fantastic. My family is cool, and we've been enjoying nice weather here in Springfield. My mom and I went for a cruiser ride around town, my brother and I went to the driving range, and my dad and I played some awesome disc golf. I've also gotten to see my grandparents, who are cool.

Anyhow, thats it for now. I'll holler when there are some pictures up.