Does anybody know what's actually going on in Honduras? The UN, USA, and a few other large world players have denounced the coup, but I can't help but feel sympathy for the new regime. first off, they obviously have enough support from the people to overthrow the government. Oppression isn't anything new in Honduras, one of the leading banana exporters of the world. I know that US companies like Chiquita and Doll have major stakes in the Honduran economy, and in past coups have supported the old government to get stability back as quick as possible (coups are not good for business). There's also been a lot of press on these companies mistreatment of their workers. Ties to drug cartels have been linked to the old leader, and I wonder if the US is supporting him because we believe in democracy or if we stand to loose a lot of money due to fair rites for the country and their workers?
Sorry i havn't been posting very much. I've been busy with school and bike riding. the triple is 2 weekends from now! I'm feeling strong, and overall pretty confident about the ride. thats all for now. peace.
2 days ago