Monday, September 17, 2007

another weekend another 14er

Hey guys,
Just wanted to throw a few pics of you of Grays peak. I didn't Climb the one next to it, torries, but Next time I'll climb both. These are compliments of william, and you can view all his great pics at his photo site

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend!

Yo Hommies!
1 week of school down, 1 three day weekend, and 1 14er climbed.

We'll start with school. It's going to be fun but rough, I feel smarter already. In addition to reading about fluid mechanics, oceanography, and numerical methods, I've been reading a book "no man is an island" by Thomas Merton. I'd highly recommend it!

Labor day weekend I played ultimate with some freshmen, which was fun, and then Monday i climbed mt bierstat (elev. 14060 ft) with a group called "the annex". It was loads of fun. I'll give you some pictures complements of William surles.

(bierstat is the one on the right)