Monday, February 8, 2010

If you love something, give it away

Sometimes I think God goes out of his way to teach us things, and I'm so thick skulled I can barely hear him shouting over all the noise in my day-to-day life.

Recently, i was listing to Bright Eyes and there is this line in their song "Landlocked blues" that says:
but it all boils down to one quotable phrase:
"If you love something give it away"

The lyric really jumped out at me, as if this secular musician has cought some huge truth that I'm missing in my Christian life.

Then, as the thought started to leave my head, God went ahead and underlined his point. I was at this superbowl party and this guy, who i kind of know (but not well), was wearing this really sweet retroish Patagonia jacket. I told him i thought his jacket was sweet, and he immediately took it off, handed to me and said "It's yours!" This makes so little since to me, a) because he must have liked the jacket, other wise why was he wearing it... b) it's really cold outside, and c) who just gives away his stuff? I tried complementing him on his pants, but he wouldn't give me those...

Anyhow, I don't get this, but i figured i'd think "out loud" for everybody who follows me on cyberspace to ponder with me. I find Truth in this concept in 3 ways:
  1. If you love something, chances are others will love it too. You can hoard your enjoyment, or share things you find enjoyment in, and in the void, find NEW things you Love. This way your love never grows old or sour, its always new and fresh, and others can love things that you have found.
  2. If you Love something, and it detracts from your Love of Christ, it's better to give it away than hold onto it.
  3. God loved his Son, and so he gave Him away to the world.
i dunno, chew on it.

1 comment:

kj said...

Wow-- that's a really good song. Sounds like something the Avett Bros would write. And a good response as well. And Mike-- I'd give you my pants, but they might drag a bit.