Hey guys, Just wanted to throw a few pics of you of Grays peak. I didn't Climb the one next to it, torries, but Next time I'll climb both. These are compliments of william, and you can view all his great pics at his photo site
This is an old blog. Please visit my new webpage at mikesoltys.com
Hi, I'm Mike; and this is my blog. I'll blog about whatever I feel like, be it my thoughts on a topic or just the happenings in my life.
Currently I'm a grad student at University of Colorado studying one of the most beautiful things on the planet: fluid mechanics.
Also, check out this side bar, which is filled up with all sorts of quasi-interesting lists to keep you busy!. -Peace, Mike
I want to:
Brew beer
Build a clock from scratch
Finish my PhD
Fix up and live in an old house
Fly fish
go sea kayaking
go to Vancouver
Hike the appalachian trail in Maine
Kill, Clean, Prepare, and eat meat (not fish)
Learn to drive stick
Learn to Sail
learn to weld
Race an Olympic Tri
Read the (whole) Bible
ride a bicycle to a vineyard in Spain
see the cirque de sol
see the northern lights
Suck on ice chipped off a glacier
Teach people in another country to play ultimate
Checked off the list:
Bike the Blue Ridge Parkway
Canoe the Buffalo Wilderness
Climb Mt. Rainier
Climb Mt. Shasta
Drink Coffee in Seattle
Hike a slot canyon
Hike in a kilt
Ride a Century
Sleep in an Igloo
Try a triatholon
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People are interesting, and have interesting things to say and share. That's why I blog, and why I read others blogs. If you're new to it, don't be overwhelmed. Find some blogs that fascinate you, and use a rss reader to "subscribe" to those blogs with the orange button in the address bar of your browser. I personally use google reader!
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