Sunday, November 4, 2007

The dissemination of wisdom

In our short time here on Earth, we spend our lifetimes struggling and squirming out of the darkness towards the Light. Then we die, and anything we've learned, any progress we've made, is gone. Maybe what got me thinking about this is Thomas Merton's "No Man Is an Island" In his introduction he states:
The meaning of of my life is not to be looked on merely in the sum total of my own achievements. It is seen only in the complete integration of my achievements and failures with the achievements and failures of my own generation, and society, and time. It is seen, above all, in my integration in the mystery of Christ... Every other man is a piece of myself, for I am a part and a member of mankind... What I do is also done for them and with them and by them. What they do is done in me and by me and for me. But each one of us remains responsible for his own share in the life of the whole body.

So, I believe strongly that in order to truly believe something you must make it your own. That is why most people go through a dark period of doubt and sorrow, and somehow come out stronger. But during and after these struggles, if I don't do something to remember it, how quickly do I forget all that the Lord has done for me? The nation of Israel had the same constant struggle, and because of this, the Lord commanded Joshua (their leader) to place monuments to his glory (usually as alters or piles of large stones) so they would not forget what he had done for them.
I mentioned before that I'd like for my blog to have a purpose and this is going to be somewhat it. I plan on every 2 or so weeks to post something about something, so that by the end of a year I have 25 posts about 25 topics. Do consider myself wise and all knowing at 24? No, but its ok because I can edit past blogs when i learn new things. I hope you enjoy, and I hope that you comment and give me suggestions and disseminate wisdom back towards me. Until that time...
peace, and love,

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