Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beef, its what's for dinner (not anymore)

So i've been reading this book "rich Christians in an age of hunger" and I've been thinking a lot about the choices I make every day.

I blogged a little bit ago about gas, and if buying gas from certian companies has certian environmental or humanitarian effects. Well, this can spread to all sorts of things, clothing, food etc. A really usefull website a friend showed me is On better world shopper, they rank companies on a variety of issues from 'A' to 'F'. It's not a perfect website, they don't really tell you how they got their data, but it's a start to making wiser choices.

I've also made the decision to stop buying beef. I'll still eat it if its being served to me, but the social and environmental implications in cattle raising seems to hard to justify without more knowledge. I'm not going to rant on this too much, or look down on people who still eat beef, but there are a couple of reasons:
  1. With rising food prices and a global food shortage, its important to concsider how much the world can sustain, and what our crops are being used for. it takes 16 lbs of grains to produce 1 lb of edible beef.
  2. With global warming, more intesnse storms and harsher droughts, water is beggining to be an issue for a lot of the united states. It is estimated more than half the water used in the united states is used to grow grains for beef consupmtion or in beef proccessing.
  3. Finally, a recent study shows that producing 1 kG of beef produces the same amount of Co2 that is made driving a car for 3 hours while leaving all the lights on in your house.
so thats that!

1 comment:

kj said...

Mooooo..... My bro and I were just talking about this yesterday. Kind of rediculous the amount of energy lost going from grain to cattle to humans.

Ash and I gave up meat for lent-- it's been a good thing.