I apologize for not updating this in more than almost a month. my bad.
As many of you know I came to Clemson for 2.5 weeks. That was really a good thing, I had a ton of fun mountain biking, Night Hiking (see the pictures!), floating in the ridge pool, and seeing everybody before we scatter our various directions for summer.
After about 2 weeks at Clemson, I got antsy and tired of feeling like a bum so I decided to make the move down to Mississippi to see if i could lend a hand to Katrina victims. You may not know that people are still living in FEMA camps, which are just rows of trailers in the parking lot of some destroyed store. The devastation here is still evident with mobile homes and trailers sitting on the foundations of what used to be middle class subdivisions. The big fear down here is that if another hurricane were to hit Mississippi all of the people still living in mobile homes would be, once again, homeless.
Its been good for the 2 days I've been here to work. I've been working mudding and painting a house for a father with 6 children that is still living in a very crowded 3 bedroom trailer. One of the really interesting things about being here is hanging out with southern baptist. It's a culture shock for sure. First off, I'm not baptist. The second big difference can be best summed up by Jay from GA: "I don't much care for 'em democrats' but I guess I'd better watch my mouth because you're probably one of em', bein' one of em' environmental types."
Well, I hope to get some pictures from down here up as soon as I get some.
2 days ago
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