Holler ya'll.
I've lived in south carolina for 10 years, and clemson is about as rural as you can get So you think that i'd be accustomed to southern culture, but man: Mississippi. It feels good sitting in a gas station-cafe talking about nascar or sitting in a tralior talking about problems with rattlers and coon's.
But seriously, It's done me good to be submersed in this southern baptist thing. I feel like I got snobby in clemson, thinking our sophisticated christianity with our books and fancy praise somehow got us a better grace than rednecks in mississippi got. But these people, they love Jesus, and they're not snobby about it. And God loves them back.
I'm currently reading this book called "the ragamuffin Gospel". I am enjoying it so far. It is all about christ's grace for people who don't have it together. and then showing us that we don't have it together. I just finished reading george orwells 1984, a weird book about the future and kurt vonneguts book "cats cradel" a weird (but very funny book) about the end of the world.
Anyhow, I'm in Mississippi till thursday. I wish I could stay longer, I've been really blessed here. But, thursday its on to Tennissee, then Illinois, then who knows, maybe back to colorado?
Joyfully yours
(p.s. gas prices are really crampin' my style)
(p.p.s. Does ANYBODY want to bike the whole blue ridge parkway or go on a 3 day sea kayaking adventure in flordia in late july? I'm game)
2 days ago
1 comment:
I'm pretty sure I'm game. Let me know.
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