So I'm in clemson now, and its been nice to relax, see friends. I'm going to play frisbee in a couple hours, go to house chruch tonight, and go mountain biking tommorow (all very missed activities). While its been great to see everybody, I really dont know what to do about graduate school. On one hand it'd be great to go to clemson, i already know people, I could go here on scholership, and I could probally get some really awsome roommates. On the flip side of that, I am taken back to the bible verse in Luke where Jesus says "woe to you when men speek well of you" (its in luke 6). I feel like clemson may be too comfortable, and although it might be spiritually good (or easy, i dont know if thats really good) for me, i dont know how much impact i would make on the community around me. On the other side of that I don't know how diffrent it would be if i went to a place where I didn't have a firm foothold in a church and community of believers.
In the mean time the best way to get ahold of me while i'm in clemson is not by e-mail but by phone, the numbers on my facebook thing.
2 days ago