so i'm in Australia after a long plane flight. The nice thing though is the australian airline has on-demand movies and free sprits with the meals (which are served on real plates and things).
anyhow, on arrival, monday:
-I was singled out by customs (Long hair?)
-took a moped tour of brisbane (How fast is 60 km/hrs, and how do traffic circles work? and why is everybody on the LEFT!)
-tea with my 91 yr-old great uncle val.
-Headed to Coochiemudlo island in the brisbane bay after gathering supplies (beer, bait, and fishing gear)
Australian word for the day: Esky means Cooler as in "throw some drinks in the esky to keep them cold!"
Note about australia for the day: they have churches and their signs are just as cheesy as ours.
-fishing (caught snapper, stingrays, and mackrel)
-saw the set of a matthew mcconehay film, "fools gold" (my uncle is an extra in the film).
Australian word for the day: Petrol means Gas as in "i need to stop by the petrol station and fill up before we drive to rockey"
Note about Aussie for the day: I feel like the girls here are all taller than in America.
-Spent the day walking around Brisbane. Adventures in public transit included.
-Brisbane is a nice city, very modern and very easy to get around in. It's the 3rd largest city in the country, and its built on a river. I spent most of the day walking around, taking buses and ferrys to and fro. Here are some pictures from the city:
Brisbane from the riverwalk. Brisbane is a VERY walkable city
brisbane at dusk
Kyle, this one is for you, brisbane also has some cliffs in the city which are popular for climbing. They light them at night for night climbing, and keep the grass trimmed under the cliffs.
Australian word for the day: Pom means Englishman as in "this beer would knock the block off a pom"
Note for the day: Australian accents usually seem "sexy" in the states, but when they're everywhere they're really not so much.
Side Note: my uncle has a mac, and because mac's dont work right ever (see list to right), I can't bullets or spell check to work right. I'll re-update this post when i can get to a decent PC. He also has cats, but they're actually pretty cool.
Mike - Nobody's told you yet what "Pom" stands for?
I was told a Pom was a british person. From wikipedia, I hear it comes from comparing the sunburnt british to pomigranites. Is there something diffrent?
thanks for updating us, mike. i like your word and fact for the day! :)
good to hear from you, for real though...
you might be interested to know that i am indulging in a nice bloody mary before heatherwood this evening... i guess i need alcohol when youre not around :)
mike... a mac is for those of us wishing to not think. The issue here is that you are thinking too much. I am going to say the reason why the bullets aren't work is because you are using Safari... the most advanced web browser out. The problem is that people don't code for it. Use firefox and all your worries will go away mac or PC... Miss you bud. I'll tip a Guinness backf or you this weekend
Sorry that wasn't Todd... I don't know why it posted that way. It was Trey.
regarding POM. Susan thinks it comes from the french for apple "la Pomme". another version I heard is that it was from the subsidised migration program after world war where it was a "pound on Migration". Susan is probably correct. Uncle bob
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