here's me covered in tropical birds.
Also, i thought this was kind of cool. It's the bower of a bowerbird. A male bowerbird takes great care to build his bower with two sets of sticks stuck in the ground. All around the sticks he collectes blue things, and places them around his bower. The idea is, a female will find the bower, and if she thinks the male has done a good job, she walks through the rows of sticks, meaning she accepts the male. The male then flys down, gets the girl, and takes her to the nest. You know the rest of the story... they buy an SUV and a nice house in the suburbs... I guess like the bower birds, human males try to build an impressive "bower" to attract females. I like metaphores!
Australian Word for the day: Chemist is what we would call a Pharmisist as in "I need to stop by the chemists to pick up my drugs"
Note of the day: Australia has fast food restaurants including McDonnalds, Burgerking (which is called Hungry Jacks here), and even KFC, but whats really big here for a quick meal are pies and quiches. (by pie, i mean like chicken pot pie). How bought that!
Oh, i've started a photo album, you can look at it here
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