So, i just got back from hiking in Tasmania. Today has been the first bit of Tasmania's famous rain that i've seen yet. Backpacking in Lake St. Claire was amazing. I hiked up to this lake called "shadow lake" in the shadow of a couple mountains, set up camp, and then climbed a nearby mt. rufus. (funny name for a mountain). It was more difficult that I anticipated, but the 360 panarama of tazmania's rocky crags all around was amazing.
Also, if I was ever told that hiking through a bog would be enjoyable, i would have probally laugh at you. But it was absoulty astounding! Imagin hiking on a surface similar to that of a putt-putt course, and everywhere around there are holes of diffrent sizes and shapes, some full of water, some with little creeks down in them. And all around you: mountains. Amazing.
At the top of the mountain i thought of a quote: "
These mountains, which have seen untold sunrises, long to thunder praise but stand reverent, silent so that mans weak praise should be given God's attention." -Miller
The newsboys had the same idea: "If we keep silent... these very rocks will scream"
Also, hostel life is really fun. I've met people from all over the world, had some beers with some english guys, cooked dinner with a german and a guy from the neatherlands, Met people from france and italy. It's great!
Anyhow, i fly to sydney tommorow which means today (its raining) i will clean my gear from the hike and get packed up for the trip!
I'll be back in the U.S. on monday!
2 days ago
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